Friday, March 18, 2005

New Scientist Breaking News - Human embryonic stem cells grown animal-free

New Scientist Breaking News - Human embryonic stem cells grown animal-free

What kills me is that these cells (the starter cells that allowed them to grow more) were donated by a couple after Invitro Fertilization. IVF generally takes several eggs and fertilzes them and then puts them into the woman's womb.
If the procedure takes, then, eventually, the extra fertilized eggs are thrown out!
But, somehow that is OK but taking the cells from those potential-lives-now-turned-into-trash is not.
It seems to me that if the christian right (or who ever really seems determined to make sure that stem cell research is permanantly hampered) is all up-in-arms because these fertilized eggs are potential life, then shouldn't they be having frickin' aneurysms because of these trashed eggs?
And, if so, shouldn't fertility clinics be shut down?
Or should the federal government subsidize the indefinate storage of these embryos?

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