Thursday, March 24, 2005

Conversations On Holy Thursday

So I'm hanging out with S and she says her friend J isn't working today because J works at a catholic school and its Holy Thursday.
Me: I've never heard of Holy Thursday (being a heathen jew...and destined to burn in hell...unless you believe the american college of bishops). What is it?
S: Its the day of the last supper.
Me: But its Thursday.
S: Yes. And Christ rose on Sunday. Three days before Sunday is Thursday. Sunday is Easter (the sunday before the full moon in april).
Me (christian scholar that I am): But the Last Supper (well catered) was a Sabbath.
S: Yes.
Me: The Sabbath is on Friday.
S: Yes. Thats how the Catholic Church has structured its Calendar.
Me: But the Sabbath is on a Friday.
S: Yes.
Me: And the Last Supper is a Sabbath. It says so.
S: Yes.
Me: I mean, it says so in The Book.
S: Yes. Thats how the Catholic Church has structured its Calendar. The last sunday before the first full moon in April was important to the druids and so to help convert them, the Church says that Christ rose on that Sunday. Three days before Sunday is Thursday.
Me: But the Lasy Supper is a Sabbath and the Sabbath is on Friday. It says so in, y'know, that book. I've been given to believe that the Church really puts alot of emphasis on The Book.
S: Yes. The Last Supper was on Thursday.
Me: argh.

Actually, this brings up an interesting point (as if this wasn't interesting enough already).
When do 'spin' and propaganda get out of control?
What happens when they become truth?
What happens when you forget how it all started?

I'm pretty sure you get the situation we are currently in.
For example...
1) Bush says: Iraq has WMDs. We must go get them.
2) The UN says: No they don't. You know they don't.
3) Bush says: Yes they do (with a wink and a nod). Here we go!
4) People die.
5) no WMDs found.
6) Bush says: We went in to topple Saddam. (btw, at some dinner function he made jokes about this...which I found to be horrific)
7) People go YAY!
Why aren't more people pissed about this?
Even GW's supporters should be pissed that their children died for a lie!
oh well.
sucks to be us.
(y'know, they say you get the government you deserve. However, I don't remember raping any nuns recently...)

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